Finalist on NBC’s The Voice
Partner with Kim Yarbrough, Veteran Singer, Actress and Violinist!
Kim was a finalist on NBC’s The Voice and is a TV and film actress with over 50 credits, including "Shameless", "9-1-1", “Kenan”, and the Oscar and Golden Globe winning "Spiderman: Into the SpiderVerse". Kim also voices the character of "Flo" in the Netflix animated hit, "Kid Cosmic", and has underscored several seasons of “Sons of Anarchy”.
Receive targeted brand awareness and enhance your brand perception with Kim's unique audience demographic. Align your sponsorship with Kim and her team's ability to inspire creative vision and brand loyalty!
Presenting Sponsor $5,000.00
(1 Presenting Sponsorship Available)
Introductory Recognition as Presenting Concert Sponsor
Recognition on Concert signage, venue marquee interior and exterior
Recognition on Venue website and Social Media sites
Recognition on Kim Yarbrough website and to 45,000 Social Media followers
Recognition on all media promotion (postcards, host stand, table tents, etc.)
Featured Signature Cocktail (alcohol sponsors only)
Reserved VIP Seating for 4 at Performance Event
Brand promotional items included in VIP Gift Bags
Album credit (2nd release only)
to all our sponsors for your support of Kim's shows and events!
Additional sponsorship opportunities available for future promotion to over 45,000 social media followers
Please click here to contact us about details for upcoming events!
Sponsor Levels
Platinum Sponsor $3,000.00
(1 Supporting Sponsorship Available)
• Introductory Recognition as Concert Platinum Sponsor
• Recognition on Venue website and Social Media sites
• Recognition on Kim Yarbrough website and to 45,000 Social Media followers
• Reserved VIP Seating for 2 at Performance Event
• Promotional item included in VIP Gift Bags
• Album credit (2nd release only)
Silver Level Sponsor $1,500.00
(3 Sponsorships Available)
• Brand Logo on Kim Yarbrough website under Silver Level Sponsorship
• Brand Item included in VIP Gift Bags
• 2 Reserved Seats at Performance Event
• Album credit (2nd release only)